WEEKLY POLL: Inspector Gadget....

Should I have more unrelated pictures?

Monday, March 29

A prayer for the poor, poor posers of FooPets

Get this!!
I'm the one, the only, REAL, non-poser...
My life is really just total crap right now. I only have 1 or 2, maybe 3, friends. Everyone hates me. I have a target on my back, and I'm the only one.
However, I'm quite pleased with my life right now.
Because I've got this giant, great, perfect, bright future ahead of me, and I'm one of the few not completely destroying it by becoming a poser. You're a smart, funny, bright, friendly, beautiful person that could have had everything they wanted in life. However, you've justed slaughtered and destroyed that giant, perfect future by pretending to be somebody else. Now you're just another Selena Gomez.
Because I, no matter who I am, am myself. I'm a unique individuable that's recognised for my talents. You have the perfect, greatest talents in the world, but you're now only a mere clone of who you want to be. Now you're just a copy, a clone, a complete nobody.
It truly saddens me to see all of these smart, great people with this giant, bright future, and the great roads they could have taken to ultimate enjoyment. But instead, they, on purpose, chose the wrong decisions, and instead of being the beautiful people they truly are, they destroy themselves and drain the world of all individuality. I mean, the people you pretend to be didn't become great simply by copying others.

Posers of the world, you're in my prayers. Because I truly hope you're going to stop this madness and be your true self.

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