WEEKLY POLL: Inspector Gadget....

Should I have more unrelated pictures?

Friday, April 30

Update on Sky and why she's so horrible.

You know, that horrible whiny ***** that everybody hates?
She never gonna update on here...
She has been replaced by Marles, a MUCH better replacement.
Marles is funny, cool, and witty, so I'm sure you'll all love her.
She'll be in bold and itallics.

Anyways, Sky is like a leech.
She lives off of our friendship.
The most she's ever done for Sarry, Marles of me was give me a teddy.
After, by the way, stealing mine because she decided I wasn't good enough for a teddy bear, but then I started crying and she never wanted to get in trouble.
She has been begging for me to but me GIR crap with my own money.>
She insults me.
She whines about everything.
She never does anything for us.
She's a lazy hypocrite.

I hate her.

I'm so bored I want to kill ostritches. ._. Also, updates.

I'm seriosuly frakking bored, so, naturally, I began to play with the blog. So I edited a few things, and you noticed a few things different, no?
For example,
. You can comment
. I edited the poll so it closes in 2012
. I edited a bit of the description

Anyways, there's going to be a bunch of epic changes on May 20th. And epic it shalt be.

Catty out.