WEEKLY POLL: Inspector Gadget....

Should I have more unrelated pictures?

Sunday, June 20


Okay, so, for Father's Day Goshen is having a fair and OMG IT'S EPIIIIIIIC. There was fried dough, and a super-bouncy bounce house, and cotton candy, and a mechanical bull (I didn't ride it lol), and lemonade, and a merry-go-round, and this really epic ride where the ground suddenly drops but you're spinning so fast you stick to the wall and OMFG IT WAS EPIC.


  1. You're all healous.

  2. nah, but i don't think there was a mechanicle bull there,
    Today, I went fishing and caught a fish, then I went to Stan Cliff Cove or whateva and saw a fish near the dock, it looked like a fish you would swimming in the Bahamas. It was yellow with a black dot, btw, Catty, can you… nvm… I was gonna say can you make a blog for me cuz me computer is stupid and won’t let me, but to do that u would have 2 know me password and go into me google account.

  3. I went fishing today too.I didn't catch any fish though.

  4. The bull was stupid, though. :/ It was tiny and went incredibly slow. It was ridiculous - that's why I didn't ride it.


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